▲Coco Chanel 可可. 香奈儿
"Some people think luxury is the opposite of
poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity."
▲Karl Lagerfeld 卡尔 .拉格斐
"One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress."
“一件黑色小洋装,永远不显过度打扮,也不至疏忽打扮。 ”
▲Vivienne Westwood 薇薇恩.韦斯特伍德
"The ultimate fashion is to take off all your clothes!"
▲Yohji Yamamoto 山本耀司
"Black is modest & arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy & easy—but mysterious.
But bove all black says this: 'I don' t bother you—don' t bother me.”
▲John Galliano 约翰.加利亚诺
"You shouldn't ask, 'why are you wearing a hat?' you should ask,' why not? "
“你不该问‘你为什么要戴帽子呢? '你应该这样问‘为什么不呢?”
▲Jean Paul Gaultier 让.保罗.高缇耶
"Have a strong belief that never feels shamed for the extraordinary
and originative spirit of myself. "
▲Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫.圣.洛朗
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
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